How to Avoid the Bed Bug Outbreak

Bedbugs are tiny, parasitic insects that feed exclusively on the blood of animals or humans. Even though they don’t have wings, they can move very quickly and lay hundreds of eggs. Since they live solely on blood, they are mainly active at night when they can bite people who are sleeping. Infestations can even spread behind baseboards, windows, and door casings. The proper way to treat bedbugs is to call a technician who has the proper equipment to eliminate them completely.

Bed bugs can be difficult to eliminate. More than one treatment may be needed depending on the severeness of the infestation. To maximize the effectiveness of treatment, it’s important to prepare in advance. In order to prepare, use the following tips:

  • Strip the beds – remove all blankets, sheets, pillowcases, etc. from the beds and wash them in hot water.
  • Remove EVERYTHING from bedrooms – Empty all dressers, closets, and nightstands, and remove all toys, boxes, etc. from the floor.
  • Wash ALL clothing, towels & linens – Wash all clothing and linens in hot water, and then dry them for at least 30 minutes on high heat.
  • Vacuum – Vacuum all floors, furniture, and inside closets and drawers. Also be sure to vacuum all box springs and mattresses.
  • Call a pest control technician – Call Pied Piper Pest Control for easy and convenient bed bug treatment.
  • Invest in bed bug covers – Once your home has been treated, buy special bed bug proof mattress and box spring covers. These trap any potential bed bugs inside until they eventually die.
  • DO NOT clean floors for 2-3 weeks – After your home has been treated, avoid washing the floor for 2-3 weeks. The residual that was used is intended to kill bedbugs and their young that may still be in your home.

Do you think you have bed bugs? Schedule an appointment with us today! (508) 366-1333

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