
Expert In2Care Mosquito Control Services in New Orleans

If you are noticing an unusual amount of mosquitos on your property it is important to first start looking for any standing water, it is important to take care of any standing water on your property as it can serve as a breeding haven for any mosquito in the area.

The In2Care mosquito trap lures and contaminates Aedes mosquitoes with a special slow-acting larvicide. This allows the mosquitos to spread the larvicide to other breeding sites that may be more difficult to locate. This method is effective because the mosquito larvae are not only killed inside the traps but also within its vicinity.

The In2Care System Story

Pied Piper Pest Control is a proudly certified In2Care® specialist

In small doses mosquitos are nothing more than a nuisance, however, if you have noticed multiple breeding sites or an unusual amount of mosquitos on your property, it might be time to look into some preventative options. Read on to learn more about how In2Care uses environmentally friendly techniques to reduce the presence of mosquitos on & around your property!

While there are a variety of mosquito prevention methods available, Pied Piper utilizes In2Care for the following reasons:

  • Kills Aedes mosquitos (including insecticide-resistant)
  • Kills mosquito larvae and pupae
  • Reduces the risk of mosquito-borne virus transmission
  • Field validated & published results
  • Safe ingredient & environmentally friendly

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Our Work is Done When You’re Pest-Free!

Pied Piper Pest Control is proud to provide both residents and businesses throughout the Greater New Orleans area with pest control and extermination services for a wide range of pests, including mice, rats, termites, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, birds, bats, wildlife, and more! We offer our services in both residential and commercial properties in Greater New Orleans.

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