Pest Control Wildlife Catch Release Programs

Wildlife Control

Pied Piper is a leader in providing wildlife animal control services for residential, industrial and commercial clients in the metro New Orleans area. We can handle any wildlife control problem from squirrels to coyotes and provide incredible service while using the latest technology and equipment. To control wildlife requires a qualified and experienced expert to assure you of professional care of your wildlife problem, and Pied Piper Pest Control is only one of two certified Wildlife specialists in the Greater New Orleans area. 

Prevention is an imperfect discipline. Animals adapt to our methods, and materials and workmanship break and decay over time. Monitoring and maintenance are necessary in any prevention program. Acting quickly before a problem gets out of hand will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

If you are looking to mitigate a problem that is already occurring please call us for professional inspection and consultation. Please remember to never, never, never secure a vent or hole unless you are absolutely sure the hole or vent is no longer being used.

Our Work is Done When You’re Pest-Free!

Pied Piper Pest Control is proud to provide both residents and businesses throughout the Greater New Orleans area with pest control and extermination services for a wide range of pests, including mice, rats, termites, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, birds, bats, wildlife, and more! We offer our services in both residential and commercial properties in Greater New Orleans.

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Large or small, Pied Piper is ready to handle your pest problem.

Schedule your visit and live with peace of mind today. What can we help you with?

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