Removing Fleas and Ticks From Your Home

Fleas and ticks are well known pests when it comes to dogs and cats, but did you know they can be dangerous to humans as well? These bugs often enter homes on the backs of pets, where they can then spread out and breed throughout a house, causing an infestation. Female fleas can lay up to 27 eggs per day, and ticks can lay thousands of eggs at a time, meaning that once a single flea and tick get into your home, things can get out of hand quickly. If you believe that you have a flea or tick problem on your property in the greater New Orleans area, contact Pied Piper Pest Control Inc! We provide professional pest control and removal services for a wide variety of pests in the New Orleans area!

Signs of a Flea Infestation

The best way to know if you have a flea infestation is by actually seeing the fleas. Fleas are tiny bugs, just a millimeter or two in length, that are a brownish color with 6 legs and no wings. If you haven’t actually seen the fleas themselves, a good sign that you have a flea infestation is by seeing “flea dirt” – which is actually their feces – that looks like black pepper and is often found in shaggy carpets or pet bedding. Fleas are tiny and quick, making it extremely hard for non-professionals to eradicate them from a home. The best way to make sure the fleas are gone for good is by hiring a professional pest control company like Pied Piper Pest Control! If you’re looking for a DIY method for getting rid of fleas, you can try sprinkling baking soda over the area they’re in, which will kill them, then vacuuming it up. 

Signs of a Tick Infestation

Like with fleas, the best way to know if you have a tick infestation is by actively looking for them. The most common place to find ticks is on your body and on your pets. The size of ticks can have a large range depending on how much blood they have consumed, but they always look like small bugs with a large body, a small head, and eight legs. The most common areas of the body where ticks are found are in your armpits, groin, and scalp. If you think you may have a tick infestation, it’s important to seek professional help immediately because they can spread diseases and illnesses, most notably lyme disease. The best way to remove ticks from your home is by hiring a pest control like Pied Piper Pest Control, but as far as at-home solutions go, you can use pesticides in the form of a spray or powder. 

Contact Pied Piper Pest Control!

If you have a flea or tick infestation in your home or on your property in the greater New Orleans area, contact Pied Piper Pest Control! Our licensed pest control professionals, who have years of experience dealing with these pests, can remove them and prevent them from coming back! Give us a call at (504) 366-1333 or fill out the contact form on our website to get in touch with us!

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