Summer 2023: Tips For Mosquito Prevention In New Orleans

Mosquitoes are common, flying insects that can be found in most parts of the world. These pesky, bloodsucking creatures are known not only for leaving itchy, uncomfortable bites but also for spreading dangerous viruses like West Nile and Zika. These viruses can cause painful symptoms and, in extreme cases, even death. The best way to avoid these viruses & itchy bites is to take preventative steps to keep mosquitoes from invading your living space. Pied Piper Pest Control provides pest control and extermination services in the Greater New Orleans area, and they can help keep you and those in your care safe from mosquitoes. 

Use Mosquito Repellent 

The easiest way to prevent mosquitoes from biting you is by using some good bug spray. Use a bug spray or mosquito repellent that contains diethyltoluamide (DEET). This colorless, oily ingredient is very powerful, so it is not recommended for babies under two months of age. Although children should always be protected with insect repellent while outdoors, they should not use any product containing more than 30% DEET. Be careful not to spray repellent into or near eyes or broken skin; instead, spray repellent on hands to rub onto face. Many insect repellents are safe to spray onto clothing as well as skin. Wear long-sleeved clothes and pants if possible, and avoid using perfume or cologne when outside. Follow product label instructions closely when using DEET repellent. 

Prepare Your Home For Mosquito Defense

You can also take steps to protect your home from mosquitoes. Make sure all the windows and doors in your house are tight-fitting and have screens free of any holes. Be aware of and minimize any standing water around your home, as that is where mosquitoes are likely to populate. Turn over wading pools, wheelbarrows, or other outdoor items that could potentially collect water and create a breeding ground for insects. For containers that must be stored upright, such as a plastic recycling bin, drill drainage holes on the bottom to prevent water from collecting. Clean and check your roof gutters regularly, as they are often a place that goes overlooked for mosquitoes to inhabit. Keep swimming pools clean and chlorinated, and consider adding fish to ponds or water gardens to keep the mosquito population under control.

Hire A Mosquito Control Professional

The best way to handle any kind of mosquito problem you’re facing on your property is to hire an experienced pest control professional. At Pied Piper Pest Control, we provide our clients in the Greater New Orleans area with In2Care mosquito control solutions. In2Care is highly effective at eliminating mosquito problems for the following reasons:

  • Kills Aedes mosquitoes (including insecticide-resistant)
  • Kills mosquito larvae and pupae
  • Reduces the risk of mosquito-borne virus transmission
  • Field validated & published results
  • Safe ingredient & environmentally friendly

Contact Pied Piper Pest Control!

Pied Piper Pest Control provides pest control services for a wide range of mosquitoes and other insects throughout the Greater New Orleans area! If you have any additional questions about mosquitoes or believe that you may have an infestation in or around your New Orleans area home or building, contact our team at Pied Piper Pest Control right away! We have years of experience dealing with these pests and will ensure that once they’re gone, they won’t come back! Give us a call today at (504) 366-1333 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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