When is the swarming termite season?
Different species of termites swarm at different times throughout the year. For instance, subterranean termites usually swarm during the spring months, dampwood termites tend to do so in the summertime, and the drywood termites would grow wings anytime from summer to fall. In Greater New Orleans area, Eastern Native Subterranean Termites swarm in March and then right after that the Formosan Subterranean Termites swarm around Mother’s Day each year.
What are the conditions causing termites to start swarming?
No matter when the swarms originate, there are common external conditions observed. Usually, termites grow wings as the weather starts warming up, the wind is mild and often, following a rainfall. Biologically, swarming is an essential indicator that a termite colony has reached maturity. It means that termite males and females are ready to expand and start their own, new colonies.
When do termites mature?
Every termite matures at a different pace. Usually, the subterranean termites swarm after they’ve reached at least 3 years of age. When the time comes, termites will feel the urge to expand, reproduce and start new colonies. The alate nymphs turn into swarmers with wings and pair up. The alates then relocate and mate after they lose wings. Essentially, these two termites become the king and the queen of their newly originated colony. A termite queen can lay over a million eggs over the time of her lifetime, the absolute majority of which will hatch into soldiers, workers, and pseudergates, that will soon transform into alate nymphs.
How do I know if I’ve seen a flying termite?
Swarming termites often get confused with flying ants. If you look closely, there are several noticeable differences between the two. Both insects have two pairs of wings: termite swarmers’ wings are identically long, and swarming ants’ wing sets are of different sizes. If you find winged insects swarming in your home, it’s wise to call in an expert to identify the pest and the extent of the problem.
What should I do if I find a swarming termite in my home?
If you see a swarm close to your home or come across with the insects indoors, it surely is an indicator of a current colony flourishing nearby. It is not unusual to get several termites inside as they swarm by the thousands, and usually find their way in through attics, window, and doors, as they are attracted to light. So best practice is to turn off your outside lighting during swarm season. If you think you may have termite activity, be sure to call Pied Piper Pest Control for a termite inspection as soon as possible. We are certified Termidor and Sentricon specialists, with an extensive experience in the industry. Call us at (504)366-1333 or email us at service@piedpiperpestcontrolinc.com or contact us online at https://www.piedpiperpestcontrolinc.com/contact.html and live with a peace of mind!